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 Match Rules

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2010-01-24

Match Rules Empty
PostSubject: Match Rules   Match Rules EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 1:06 pm


1. Two teams are confronted. The mode is Stopwatch.

2. Each team defends and attacks (axis/allies) on each map. The purpose of the attackers is to win and to make a good chrono. For the defenders, it's to prevent the attackers from doing the obj. If each team manages to do the obj, the best chrono makes you win. If no team manages to do the objective, another map is played. You need to win 2 maps to win the match.

4. When a team wins a map, it gets 2 points. When no team made the obj, each team gets 1 point.

3. The challenger team chooses the first map to play


1. Rifle grenade is forbidden in 2o2, 3o3, 4o4 match. If more, one is allowed per team.

2. Landmines are forbidden

3. Using bugs, trickjumps etc are forbidden

4. 100 maxpackets, 20 snaps and a good ping are necessary. The rate will be determined in-game. Punkbuster is naturally required. Your GUID must be older than one day.

5. If you cheat, the team is disqualified.




1. Don't play vocal sounds in the general chat.

2. Only speak in team chat about the objective.

3. Make sure your team has minimum one engineer.

In 2o2 : 1 eng / 1 med
In 3o3 : 1 eng / 2 meds or 2 engs / 1 med if the medic is good.
In 4o4 : 2 engs / 2 meds

It varies if you are attacking or defending. The allieds need more engineers.

Take a field ops if you are sure of what you're doing, for a single action but not for a long time. I recommend only the axis to take a field ops.
Take a covert ops to do a quick destruction and go medic / engineer after.

4. Follow your teammates. When you are dead, wait for your teammates ( if they're nearly dead ) and choose by which way you're going together. A medic is never going alone to kill enemies. He follows the engineers, who open the way, and heal them when they die. He stays in backup. A medic opening the way is useless, if he dies, it will be very hard for the engineers to go through.

5. 30 seconds of spawn time for axis... so be sure of what you do and when you do it. Don't selfkill when the spawntimer is at 10 and not at 1 either ( risk to click at 30 secs and not at 1 sec lol ).

6. Make sure to have a good ping, enough FPS. Don't let internet opened, don't download during a scrim, don't chat with the girlfriend. A scrim is serious, your team is here for you so don't let it down, even if you're loosing, stay fairplay.

7. If you really need to go and can't finish the scrim, don't forget you can pause the match ( /pause in console ) ask someone on Xfire to remplace you.

8. Don't forget to pwn everybody lol

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Posts : 28
Join date : 2010-02-07
Age : 33
Location : haler

Match Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Match Rules   Match Rules EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 7:52 pm

at 55 4o4 rg is still allowed, though i think itll change quick

heamar :< nd sum more i guess
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